After the ship was loaded Chip & Tasha were brought on-board, it took 3 days for the ship to reach (name) island, without a harbour large enough for the ship to dock all the cargo had to transferred to a smaller boat to be taken the rest of the way, Chip & Tasha were put on the first boat & once a shore blinded folded, lead away & then locked in a small room.
Before I started the game I let Chip have a brains test to see if he noticed he was going underground, had he passed it would have given him a +1 bonus at the first junction to pick which way to go, sadly he failed. |
Turn 1 Chip"We need to get out of here"
Tasha"That shouldn't be a problem" & with that she removed her hairpin which was really a lock-pick & set about opening the door, in no time there's a little click.
Tasha"Got it"
Chip & Tasha have 20 turns to try to reach the main room & stop Archie's plans, after the 20th turn Archie will role at the end of each turn to try to get his new giant robot to work, needing a 6 on the first roll, decreasing by 1 each turn he rolls, a long the way each time they get line of sight to a new part of the board 2d6 will be rolled, with a double meaning there's a grade 1 tug in that area, also when they enter a room they can search them, there are 6 possibles, explosive's,their weapons & a plan of the complex, 2 that are nothing & 2 that are grade 1 tugs, to search a room needs a brains test. |
As Tasha opens the door Chip see's one of the tugs in the corridor &
First roll for an area & its a double, while it made sense that there would be someone on guard, it wasn't the start I was hoping for :) |
Chip rushes at the tug & with a quick one two knocks him cold.
Chip heads to the junction followed by Tasha
Chip fails the brains test, which then meant a dice roll to see which way he went to take. |
Turn 3
Chip turns left & heads up the corridor,
The doors maybe be locked or unlocked, this is decided by a dice roll |
by Tasha.
Turn 4
The door is unlocked so chip opens it & heads on.
Reaching the door Chip opens it, its leads to the outside.
Chip" Tasha we've come the wrong way head back.
Tasha turns & runs back the way they've come.
I used a rule that when backtracking the characters could use the run rule |
As Tasha get to the door she finds it locked.
Tasha has the safe-cracker ability which along with her lock-pick gives her a +2 to opening locked doors. |
Turn7 Tasha gets the door open in no time &
steps in followed by Chip.
Turn8 No sooner had they started to search the room when another door opened & a tug is stood in the doorway.
The goon turning up was a result of the search |
Turn9 Tasha been a natural acrobat flips over the guy leaving him for Chip to deal with him.
Tasha has an acrobat ability which allows her to flip off someone on a successful dodge test, if she fails they get a free attack on her. |
Chip rushed the goon & while he lands a good blow on him its is not enough to put him down.
Turn 10 As the goon takes a swing at Chip he ducks under it & coming up lands a knock out blow, while Tasha gets the door open up ahead.
Turn 11 By the time Chip gets to the room Tasha has already had a good look around but found nothing.
Tasha"What keep you ?"
Chip"That guy just didn't want to see things my way, but in the end he agreed"
The search of this room was one of the nothing results. |
Turn 12 Tasha"Which way do we go Chip?"
Chip"This way & he opens the door & heads off
Turn 13 Tasha turns & calls after him "Are you sure ?"
"Pretty sure" Chip replies as he opens the door to the next room.
Turn 14 Searching the room Chip finds some explosives, these could come in handy he thinks.
Turn 15 As Tasha joins him in the room Chip"Here take some of these" & he hands her some explosives.
Tasha"Thanks, you really know how to show a girl a good time Chip"
Chip"Don't mention it,now see if you can open this door as its locked"
Turn 16 Tasha sets to work on the door but this one is a bit of a bugger & it takes all her years of practice to get it open, at the end of a short hall is another door.
Turn 17 This door is unlocked & opening it they step into another room were they find their weapons & a plan of the complex on one of the walls.
Turn 18 The door they wish to take is also unlocked, opening it they here a humming noise as they head down a corridor.
Turn 19 as they follow the turning corridor the noise gets louder.
Turn 20 Opening yet another door they enter a large room & there at one end at some control panel is Archie
Chip fires off a shot & yells"More away from there Mr" Archie pays him no heed & carries on.
While Chip only had his eye's on Archie, Tasha looks down at the other end of the room.
Tasha" What in hell's unholy name is that thing ?"
Turn 21 Chip"You try & get the explosives on to that thing while I try to stop Archie" but it looks like Tasha will have to deal with the small bot first, she fires as it advances towards her but to no avail.
& with that he runs towards the scientist, landing a couple of blows on him & pushing him back from the controls.
Archie could only roll for to active the giant robot if hes in contact with the control panel. |
The smaller bot slashes out at Tasha with tentacles, but she dodges them.
Tasha now tries to break away from the combat but gets hit on the arm for her troubles.
Over confident, Chip gets sucker punch by Archie & staggers back a couple of feet.
Turn 22 This give Archie the chance he needs & he punches some buttons on the control penal &
with that the great machine comes to life.
Knowing the game was up Chip"Tasha we've got to get out of here" & he turns from Archie.
Tasha"I hate to fight & leave but maybe another time"
As Chip reaches the door,
she does a couple of back flips away.
Their only hope now is that the ship hasn't left yet & to somehow make it back to it.
As they run Chip thinks, Fifty bucks a day isn't enough to take on that thing.
Designers note.I really enjoyed this game & the 45 Adventure rules work excellently for it, the hardest part of setting the whole thing up was trying to work out how many turns to play out before Archie would try to get the giant robot to life, to many turn's & it would be to easy for Chip & Tasha, to few & they never make it.
After working out that if everything went perfectly they could make it to the room in 15 turns, I decided to go for 20 which as it turns out was the amount of turns it took, so that brings this little tale to a close & over all I think it worked very well & hope you guys enjoyed following as much as I enjoyed playing it out :)
As always my thanks for dropping in & if you'd care to be a movie critic you comment would be welcomed :)