The start of this story can be found here.
Day 1 Ultima Thule
Just as Tom entered the cockpit a slight shudder ran though the plane, paying it no heed he started looking around for anything that might tell him who it belonged to & where it had come from, another shudder of the plane grab Tom's attention & looking out from the cockpit window Tom seen the biggest creature he even seen in his life walking upright on its hind legs heading straight for the plane.
Another shudder ran through the plane this time a lot more forcible, Tom took another look around the cockpit & spotting what he was looking for grab up the plane's logbook before stepping back to where the others were.
As he stepped back out of the cockpit a large head appeared across a couple of the windows its nostrils flaring.
You might want to click on this picture John, award winning shot right there, well if it's good enough for Spielberg :) |
Tom" I think its time to be going as I'd guess that thing could open up this plane like a tin-can.
Grace" I couldn't agree with you more, but I think its best if we duck under the wing as we exit to try to keep out of its sight"
Good as the plan was it didn't work, with Gregory coming within a whisker of been flattened as an enormous foot came down where they just exited.
It was probably only the quick thinking of Bob that save them, seen what was happening he let off a few shots into the air to get the creatures attention, before turning & running across the rest of the clearing as the T-Rex bellowed a roar & charged after him.
Seen Jenny just ahead of him & the terrified look on her face he singled to her to stay put & not to make a sound, having lost sight of it pray the T-rex stopped its charge, sniffed the air a couple of times & then walked off into the jungle.
As soon as the T-Rex gave chase to Bob the other 3 made their way around to the other side of the plane in case it should turn around & come back.
Grace" I think we might have been in trouble if it hadn't been for Bob, that was a brave thing to do"
Tom" Yep, Bob is one of the bravest men I've ever known"
They left it for a few minutes after the T-Rex had gone before making their back across the clearing to the other, but when they joined up there was a nasty shock in story.
As Bill was missing.
Grace" When was the last time anyone seen him ?"
Tom" He was with me as we headed towards the plane just after we'd smeared the dung on ourselves"
Jenny" So that's what that smell is"
Tom just shot her a glance & said "I remember him been just behind me as we crossed the clearing, but in all the excitement & the rush to get into the plane I never noticed if he wasn't still with me at that point.
Gregory" Well it looks like you should have left him here to babysit Jenny instead of me"
Grace" That's not helpful Gregory, we'll have to go find him" & she made to move off.
Tom" Not so fast Grace, we're heading back to the Scorpion"
Grace out raged "What ? I've come here to try & fine some friends not to lose another one"
Tom" Grace please hear me out, my job is to keep you all safe &
Gregory" Well your not doing a very good job of it so far sir, we've only just got here & you've already lost one of us"
How Tom didn't land a punch on Gregory there & then Grace could not for the life of her understand, but he carried on as if he'd not heard a word of it.
Tom" We're not geared up to go searching for him as we've no supplies & apart from a few pistols no weapons to defended ourselves, you've seen that thing over at the plane & there's no knowing what else is out there., we standing a much better chance of finding Bill from the air in the Scorpion then we will tracking around the jungle looking for him, & Bill is a smart man & will figure that out & find someway to single us"
With that he walked over to a tree he'd marked when they'd got here, took out his notebook looked at his watch, pointed in a direction & sent Bob on a head, after a couple of moments Bob called out & they set off after him, the same thing was done at every marked tree until they got back to where the Scorpion should have been
Gregory" You must have taking the wrong way Tom the Scorpion is not here"
This was the last straw for Tom who replied "If you'd use your eye's instead of your big mouth Gregory you see that this is the spot we landed in, you can see how the grass is all blackened from the trusters"
Tom"Right all of you stay put while Bob & I have a look around"
As Tom & Bob walked off Gregory under his breath" I don't know what he thinks he going to find, a 4 star hotel perhaps ?"
Grace" Put a sock in it will you Gregory ? I'm sure Tom knows what he's looking for"
After a couple of minutes Bob re-appeared & called the rest of them over.
There hidden in the jungle not far from the edge of the clearing was a load of supplies, which Tom had already started going through, taking something out he handed it to Bob before removing something else.
Tom" Grab yourselves something to eat & drink we'll be back in a sec.
Before long they returned but were now wearing what looked like uniforms, but not like any grace had ever seen before & they had no markings of rank or insignia's.
Grace" I knew you two were military"
Tom" Ex-military Grace, now its time to load up & start looking for Bill"
Jenny close to tears as the reality of things came crushing down on her "But shouldn't we just wait here until the Scorpion returns for us ?"
Tom" I'm afraid that it would be pointless Miss, as if the Scorpion was to land again it would never be able to take off again"
Jenny" What you mean we're all stuck here ?"
Smiling kindly at her Tom "Only for a little while Miss, the Scorpion will have to return to Scotland & refuel before returning for us"
Gregory was just about to say something but a look from Grace made him thing better of it.
Without instanced they made their way back to the clearing & from there to where Tom & Bill had found the dung, once there it didn't take Bob long to find Bill's trail.
Bob" As you's got closer to the beast at the plane he must have panicked & fled Tom there are clear signs that he followed you out in to the clearing & then turned & headed back into the jungle"
Grace " You can track him right Bob ?"
Bob" I can try Grace' but it is not easy tracking somebody through jungle & the going will be slow"
After about an hour or so for following Bill tracks Tom called a holt.
Tom" We'll make camp here & get some rest"
Grace" What, you can't be serious Tom ? it's still bright we've got to keep going"
Tom" & will be for ever Grace don't forget it never gets dark here, & besides Jenny & Gregory are out on their feet"
Gregory" I'm sure Jenny needs a rest but I could keep going for hours yet"
But just the same he way glad to rest up & found a fallen log to sit down on, just then they heard movement in the jungle up ahead & then a strange looking man appeared only to find 3 guns pointed at him.
To be continued
Designers note. Unlike the last episode this one wasn't played out as a game, as its one thing to have the characters inter-act a Triceratops but as I know from experience a T-Rex is a whole different matter & having the whole cast eaten at this point isn't what I want :)
So with the Scorpion gone & Bill missing things are building up nicely & what about this stranger ? guess you guys will just have to stay tuned to fined out :)
As always my thanks for dropping in & if you'd care to be a movie critic your commend will be welcomed :)