One thing the studio has want for a long time is an office for Chip, as all P.I's need to have one.
This I started months back & then put it on the long finger for a while, I also added a wc to it.
All offices need a hallway leading to them, so I did one of them as well.
Like all sets I build I like them to have more then one uses o the office,
so this one doubles up as a hotel-room.
On the other side of the hall way is another set, which can be a little pub, cafe,
or even a shop, now both of these sets need some more fleshing out but I'm sure you guys get the idea.
Yes you guessed it, it another shoebox.
In other news you might remember this from a while back ?

To do this set the way I had it planed would have been a hell of a lot of work,
so for the time been I've gone down a different road with it.
I've added this picture to let you see these letter on the building, which I pick up in a craft shop, there made of wood & very cheap but are great for adding detail.
This view is from the side of the set, also as I know some of you guys have a thing for blurry pictures I thought I add one :)
That's not the end of this set btw, as the board is removable.
With the other side done like this, just a single road & factory space.
Look around any city with a river & you'll see lots of different setting as the river makes it way along, the picture below has the board remove & show the cobblestones of the original design, with a factory front used to block off the rest of the board.
As you can see we've not been ideal here at N&D studios, but there's more, not wanting to leave all the crime solving to Chip & Tasha we've brought in some boys & a girl in blue, guess you could call them the quay stone cops :)
We've also added a few from over seas
Not enough been done you say ? well here's another set that's a wip
As you all know all work & no play leads to Jake going mad, so with that in mind I've been busy with Spacehulk
In space they say no one can hear you scream, but in Spacehulk there's a lot of it even if it can't be heard.
In these days of self isolation & social distance N&D wants to show solidarity, so here's Chip doing his bit.
Well that's it for this months news, so its a stay safe from me & a stay safe him.
As always my thanks for dropping by & if you'd care to leave a comment it would be welcomed :)