proudly present's
24th of July
After the attack on us yesterday I found it hard to get to sleep but feel rested none the less, we set off once again in a North-North West heading.
By mid-afternoon I sensed a change coming over our column & noticed that our pace seemed to by slowing, I'd not got a chance to ask Marco if everything was alright before we were once more under attack.
This time they came at us from both front & rear, bellowing blood curling howls.
With no real time to react the Colonel ordered the our Bearers to run to our left coved by two of the Askaris, while Marco, Taylor, an Askaris & myself faced the frontal charge, the Colonel & two Askaris stood to at the back.
Taylor cut one down, hitting the man in the chest, while one was also cut down at the rear.
Our shooting had whoever unseen consequences & a large silver back Gorilla came thundering out on to the clearing near to the fleeing Bearers.
Quick as a flash he was on to one of them,
as the Natives closed on us, forcing us to fight them hand to hand, all this sent the rest of the Bearers into a run of blind panic,been no match for these men I had to back off, only to see the brave Askaris who had stepped into my place in the line cut down.
As I turned away I was greeted by another horrible sight, as the poor Bearer who'd be sent upon by the Gorilla,
was now also under attack by a Hyena, As I passed the poor man, making my way over to the two Askaris, he was knock from his feet
Turning I noticed that Marco had gotten the better of one of the two savages that he was fighting & that another of our brave Askaris had been cut down.
Marco wasted no time in cutting down the another one & with their numbers now depleted the brutes turned & fled,
as the Gorilla picked up the Bearer & made off into the foliage, with the Hyena at his heels snapping at the poor soul, after we buried our dead we set off again deep in our own thoughts each & everyone of us, after about two hours we made camp a bit earlier then planed, Marco's reason for this was that we would not be able to reach the point he'd hoped & that this spot was probable the best place we're likely to find.
The last two day's have been costly in both life's, supplies & time & if I found sleep hard to come by last night I think it will be impossible tonight, I've asked Taylor to share my tent with me tonight something that been the gentleman that is he's reluctant to do, but known how upset I'm by the days events he has agreed.
25th of July
After a fit-full night's sleep, a night for which most of could be hear the beating of drums,we set off without breakfast as we had consumed the last of our food the night before heading roughly North-Northwest, Marco informs us we shall be pasting through a village where he is hopeful we can stock up on food for the rest of the journey to the way-station.
Sadly this did not turn out to be the case, as while we did pass through a village the Natives were neutral towards us & unwilling to trade, as we made camp we could see mountains loom up ahead of us, I retire tonight thankful for no further attacks but with a empty tummy.
26th or July
A better night's sleep but we're all starting to feel the first pangs of hunger after a day without food, our heading is North-West into the mountains & Marco knows of another village where we might secure food, on reaching the village we find it void of people.
We're now high in the mountains but yet peaks still rise high above us, Taylor is spending all our rest breaks looking for deposit among the rocks & while he's found a few gems of worth there is nothing to make him believe that their is much of worth in this area, other then what seems to be some Primates that none of the party have ever seen before.
It seem we are bedeviled by bad-luck as the pathway Marco leading us on as been blocked by a landslide, we'll have to try to find another way through, we make camp once more without anything to eat.
Another night of those dreadful drums, we awoke to find one of the Askaris gone, but if I thought this day started bad it was only to get worst, following along a ledge it gave way plummeting Marco & two of the Bearers to their deaths hundreds of feet below, with no way to retrieve their bodies we said a few prayers before retracing our steps to try & find another route.
As we camp for the night, lost & without food I fear that death is awaiting us all.
As always my thanks for dropping in & if you'd care to be a film critic your comments would be welcomed :)