Sunday 25 October 2020

The Jungle Blade Mystery Act 5

                              Nickel & Dime Productions, proudly presents Radio Days
               Starring Donny Wayne as Karl Timperman & Mary Coyne as Easther Leballe

          If you like tails of daring deeds & high trills go somewhere else, if not then stay tuned.   

As their eyes adjusted to the gloom Karl noticed a door over to their left, that he guessed might lead into an office, whispering to Paul, Karl " There's  a door to our left, lets make our way over to quietly"

It was indeed a small office but the light in here wasn't much better, as just with the storage area the only light came was from a high level window, closing the door softly behind them Karl took out a small torch from his pocket & switched it on & handing it to Paul, Karl " Take a look around while I keep guard at the door"

Fanning the torch around Paul brought it to a stop at a desk & walked over towards it, as he reached it he spotted a small safe sitting on the floor against the wall on the other side of the desk, Paul whispering " Bingo, there a small safe over here " Karl also in a whisper " Great, see if you can open it, but be quick it won't be long before those guys come in here "

Paul set about opening the safe & in next to no time there was a loud clonk as he turned the handle & the door swung open, at the sound Karl's heart leaped into his mouth but as far as he could tell the guys outside hadn't heard it as there was not sound of a reaction from them.

For Karl standing at the door time seemed to come to a stop as Paul rummaged through the contents of the safe & all the while the sound from the guys outside grew closer, then at last Paul " Found it " Karl "Great now lets get the hell out of here". As Paul returned to Karl side he switched of the torch & hand it to Karl, who returned it to his pocket before opening the door slightly  to peer out.

Karl " Their behind the last row of shelves so this is going to be close, did you bring your piece with you ?" "I've been on enough adventures with you to know not to leave home without" Drawing their pistols the pair headed for the outer door & were about half way there when a voice called out "Hold it right there"

Spinning Karl & Paul fired off a couple of rounds each, which sent 3 men driving behind the shelves, but they came under fire themselves from their left & had to duck behind some creates for cover. In the poor light no one was hit, but Karl & Paul now found themselves pinned behind the creates with fire coming from two directions.

The sound inside the lockup was deafening as bullets rang out smashing into things & as Paul & Karl ducked back after letting off more shots a voice rang out "Hold your fire" then as the shooting stopped the same voice "Throw the book out on to the floor in front of you & you can both leave"

Karl whispering "I'm going to pop of a couple of rounds in each direction & when I do you make for the door & when your there cover me & I'll join you"

With no reply coming to his demands the guy called out again "I'll count to five & if I don't see the book we'll start shooting again' only this time we won't stop " But he only got as far as two when Karl rose up & started firing as Paul made for the door, once there he turned & also started firing as Karl dashed after him shooting blindly as he ran. 

This action caught the men off guard & before they could react Karl & Paul were out the door & running for the car, but to their amassment there wasn't the sound of Esther starting it up & as they reached it the reason became clear, Esther was gone. 

They got in & Karl started it up & took off rounding the bend just as five men busted out through the lockup door & fired a couple of shots after them, with one pinning off the back door just behind where Paul was sitting.

As they speed up the road Paul noticed a piece of paper on the dashboard, the paper had three words written on it. You'll be contacted.

To be concluded next time.

Designers Note, I have to say that while I think Larger then Life the Directors cut doesn't work well as a table top game, I can see how it would work on the new battle-board system that two hour wargames brought out, as all of the action in this game takes place in small areas.

On the other hand however from the player never known how things are going to turn out, this game is a real gem, & while I had the confrontation with the bad guys after the search instead of before it as is meant to happen, this game could have ended in so many different ways, which is a real treat for solo gamers.

Example, the book might not have been recovered, which was areal possibility as Paul is only Rep 3 & had  two pass to mental challenges to open the locked door & the safe as well as the search challenge to find the book, or they could have been captured by the bad guys.

After the next episode which will be the last I'll do a post on exactly how all the different things work, such as searching for things or been captured, & how I see myself using the game going forward.

Well that's it for tonight's show, as always my thanks for dropping in & if you'd care to leave a comment it would be welcomed :)     



  1. Another great instalment Frank, can't believe there is only one more to conclude the story, have enjoyed it immensely so far

    1. Thanks Dave, Its been an interesting experiment & I've enjoyed doing it, but time to bring it to a close & use what I've learned from it into making movies :)

  2. Most enjoyable as always, looking forward to the how to and your views on the battleboard system

    1. Thanks Douglas, there idea's that I think will work well for what I want from solo gaming & if others are interested in giving it a try so much the better, the battle-boards are as I see it a very handy way to have a small quick game.

      But I'll go into more detail in the review :)

  3. Another great instalment and the the notes at the end made my day.
    having an insight into the various hoo[s the characters had to go through to acheive success was very revealing.
    Looking forward to the next episode/

    1. Thanks Joe, I've found that when I'm playing games that a lot of things that I've stats for never come into play, & tbh apart from the search I needing have included the the other two, but this whole thing is a bit of an experiment so I added the lock door & the safe even though it was risky as it was going to be a Rep3 character who had to roll.

      Another one I did but didn't mention that I did was have a test for the bad guys when the safe opened with a clunk to see if they'd hear it, now while this a THW game & things are only done using Rep, when I play say 45 Adventures characters have a whole bunch of stats & I want to be using them.

  4. Hi Frank, I'm late as usual. The rules seem to be giving you a tense game which is what I like about this sort of solo game. I don't know of the battleboard system, I'll try and remember to have a look at it.
    I think you are playing this without figures and terrain, how are you keeping track of where characters are in relation to each other and do you think it would be better with or without miniatures.
    I prefer to see some pictures of the action but thats just from an aesthetic point of view because I think you're narrative is giving an excellent picture of what's happening.
    Where's Ester - play the music as we wonder if she's safe and will we ever hear from her again.

    1. Thanks John, better late then never & tbh I was half expecting you to wait until next episode was released as it the last & then read them as I know you do have trouble remembering what happened last time :)

      Yep the rules work well for solo gaming but only to a point, I'll be covering this more in another post.

      I'm indeed playing without figures or terrain & how I keep track of things is on a piece of paper, as like I said all the action takes place in a small area so I just use an A4.

      I'm 100% in agreement with you about seen pictures & I'm sure many others feel the same way, so I think this might be my one & only venture into radio, but it has been a useful experiment, & at a time when I couldn't be assed to get out models & terrain it help get me back on track.

      As to where's Esther ? well I guess you'll just have to tune into the last not so trilling episode where you might hear Esther say" Oh Karl your my hero" or on the other hand he might fail, so in which case you won't hear Esther say anything lol

    2. You have a cavalier attitude to your hero's and heroines. I suspect once the wage bill starts to go up that's when you cull the actors.

