Sunday 9 June 2019

Grays giving me the Blues

Since the start of the year I've gotten a fair bit of hobby stuff done, that was until May as between hols & family home for awhile not much happened, but I did start a project in the first week of may that I've now finished & that is the point of this post.
They say a camera never lies but don't you believe that, if you look at the picture above you'll see one of the gray's I use on this project is more of a blue then gray & that is something I've noticed before & have had problems with when painting something gray.
As most of us know in this game lightning effects a picture when you take it & the odd thing is that when I took pictures of the finished piece it did look gray yet when I looked at the set it it was to blue.
Right you say, you've gone on about grays giving you the blues Frank but what is it your making ? fair question, you guys might remember I did a set in a shoebox ? well this is another one of those.
There are three things I really like about sets in a shoebox, one is they are very easy to store, two they require very little setting up & the third is they add a whole other dimension to a movie/game.
 The first two things explain themselves the third one I'll try to explain, it all has to do with building & scale for me, a building that works well with our models on the gaming table doesn't always work well if your using the inside of it, for me they often seem to small.
Also for many different reasons you might not be able to use the inside, there might be no inside or the roof might not come off & even if the roof does come off you can only take pictures from above, now there nothing wrong with that but imho it better if you can take a picture at model level.
Some of you might have seen Ivor's post No time for love Dr Jones over on his wonderful blog Saturday mornings, its show Indian Jones at the entrance of a temple, but what he never can show is Indy inside said temple not without building a set to do so.
 See now its all starting to make sense, you could play out the game/movie with it ending with getting to the temple entrance but the trilling climax couldn't be played out inside it with a little bit of work :)
 Sorry I don't have an Indian Jones as my studio's doesn't have a big budget like Ivor's :)
What sets like this do is let you change the games ending, the little shoebox set can be on the table beside you & when the entrance is reached you can just remove the model & place it in the shoebox set for the finial act.
Now I started this post grays giving me the blues & how a camera can lie, the last picture was taking before I did the repaint, it looks gray doesn't it ? but believe me its not the case & giving how you lot know how I don't like painting I think you'll all know I didn't repaint it just for the fun of it.
You don't need the inside of a temple ? how about a resting place ? but be careful as I think the sun's about to set :)

That's a wrap for this post, as always my thanks for dropping in & if you'd care to leave a comment it would be welcomed :)


  1. Scenery sets in a shoe box? What a great idea, especially for storage purposes. I like your way of thinking, Frank! Your two photos with Indy in the foreground look very convincing.

  2. Thanks Bryan, its not the real Indy as the studio couldn't afford him so we had to go with a stand in look a like ;)

    1. Ah, that'll explain why he has his back to the camera! ;-)

  3. I remember your other set in a box and thought it was brilliant idea than and still think so. Nice work on this one, too! I really should think about doing some myself.

    As for blues/grays I once painted a whole bedroom (real life one, not a model) with what I thought was blue, only to have other people tell me after the fact that they thought is was a rather dull gray, and likened it to a cave.

    1. Thanks Fitz, yep I think they work really well.

      It would seem that to make different grays or blues they mix the two colours, I've had the same problem only the other way around when painting in the house.

  4. Haha, sorry but I have very simialr problems with my eyesight too and can empathise with your problems. It wold have been a lot easier if you'd gone for brown rocks and maybe a sand-stone floor!
    (I have a red.hreen problem and now a yellow.white problemtoo, whilst all colours can also appear pastel or diluted)

    1. Thanks Joe, sorry to hear about your eyesight mate, I didn't want to go a different colour as I was using this as test for other terrain stuff I hope to do.

  5. This concept fits in well with your style of game/movie setting, it's very like a stage set, you just need the curtains. This one is looking particularly good and should stand in for a lot of different movies
    You're right about building interiors, they usually don't scale well. I'm looking forward to seeing what games you set in this shoebox.

    1. Thanks John, & your spot on about it fitting in to my style & the more I think about games the more I thing why should it only take place on the table area ?

      If you think of a game as a movie it moves from one set to another, so say I was running a RPG, I could start it off in this set with lets say a sacrifice taking place & our hero's arrive in the nick of time to save the day.

      Now I could play out a small game in which the hero's objective is to stop the sacrifice & the bad guys aim is to escape, end of act one & we move on from there :)

  6. What a cracking post Frank! And thanks for the shout out 😀 much aporeciated!
    I absolutely love these shoe box terrain pieces, such a brilliant idea first off and then your execution is just spot on. What a great set!!
    *and I guess your model is Richard Chamberlain since you couldn't budget for Harrison Ford 🤣*

    1. Thanks Ivor, Richard Chamberlain you say, do I get the young Miss Stone with him ? :)

  7. You had me sold on this idea with your original post Frank - this second offering has just convinced me even more that this is a cracking idea for "interior action".
    My biggest problem was getting shoe boxes, but yesterday I spotted some really useful storage boxes in "Home Bargains" :-)

    1. Thanks Greg, on your problem of getting shoeboxs, that might be a good thing, as for me to get one it means the wife has to buy a new pair of shoes :(

  8. Looks better with the repaint for sure.

    1. Thanks Simon, the difference is even more noticeable when looking at it in the hand as against looking at a picture.

