Monday 27 December 2021

2021 The year that wasn't

 Welcome, at this time of the year a lot of bloggers will do a review of the year gone by, as I myself have done on many occasions, but this year was kind of different. When I put out a post on new years day entitled A grim dark new-year, I could not have guessed how dark this blog would be but on the bright side at least it wasn't grim.

No the post was about Necromunda, a game by Gamesworkshop that I was going to take up playing in the club, so I set about painting up models & making up different gangs, to be ready to take part in a campaign when lock down finally ended. 
While also getting some terrain ready, as Necromunda is a game that uses a lot of terrain.
So why no posts on what I was working on ? good question I guess & the truth of it is that doing all this didn't inspire me to do posts on it, plus I think half of me felt that that kind of thing is not really what this blog is about.

While I am not the worst modeller or painter in the world, its not what I take most pleasure from in the hobby. 

But what about the campaign? Yes I did go out into the real world & play some games, which while I enjoyed, it still didn't inspire me to do posts. 

I don't know, did I just spend to long doing my own silly little things that I was no longer a gamer? I think the answer might be yes.

So after about 5 games into the campaign I left, at this point I was at a bit of a loose end, where next with my hobby? 
I'd spent so much time painting & modelling that at that point I was burnt out, so for a while I just played some solo Space hulk, which I enjoyed but still wasn't inspired to do some posts on it. 

I then turned to Pulp Alley, made up a couple of leagues & set about doing a solo Vice Alley campaign, I'd even explored different types of leagues to give it more flavour but again I was not inspired to post anything. At this point I was wondering was my blogging days behind me after I think about 8 years. 

A lot of other people seemed to have quite & utube channels seemed to be the thing these days, maybe like video record's, blogs where going the way of the Dodo? 

Yet for what I do a utube channel would be of little use, sure you can add all kinds of special effects were as the most I can do is add a bit of snow 😒

Special effects do not a good move grantee, which is why for me the best King Kong movie is still the 1933 one. 
I needed to find inspiration & get the show back on the road, so I asked myself a question, why did I change over from If it wasn't for Ones to N&D? 
The reason was I wanted to do something a bit different, I wanted to tell stories, I no longer wanted to do things like battle report & have to explain why when I needed to make 5 2+sv's I rolled 4 1's & a 4 πŸ˜‚

Now in fairness I'd already started to go down that road on the old blog, but I didn't want to stop modelling. No what I wanted to do was tell stories using models. 
Remember those two ? it is of curse none other then Taylor & Connemara from the Heart stone of Africa.
It was the first of it kind for me, where I told a store & set up scenes to go with it for I think it was the first 12 episodes, after that I started using a game called Jimsland (Thanks Joe) which took the story in away I couldn't have imagined, although not given me the ending I would have liked.

Which brings me to a point I've struggled with at times, the perils of rolling dice. In nearly all wargames or RPG's people roll dice to figure out what happened, in an RPG setting you might come up with some brilliant idea of how to kill / defeat the big bad villain, but the DM/GM will still make you roll to see if this idea will work.

Now I've rolled enough dice in my time to know that you won't always get the result you'd except no matter what the odds, which is great for gaming but not so for making movies/stories, that's why you have in movies/books what I like to call the stormtrooper syndrome, you know these crack troops who are great shots, untill that is they shoot at the hero's & then couldn't hit the side of a barn from ten feet away.  That's why in some of the movies I might never roll any dice, as do you real think all of those stormtroopers shots would miss if they rolled for them ? πŸ˜‚

So that's a look back at the year that wasn't but what about the year to come ?
Well yes there will be movies but movies take time to make & over a year, I would see the studio putting out no more then four & four would be a very good year, two or three would be more likely.
Now even giving that they would be made up of somewhere between 2-6 parts that could at worse be only four posts over a year & at best, but very unlikely twenty-four posts.
My guess would be somewhere between 12-15, given I do three movies with an average of five parts to each one, that's not really a lot of posts now is it ?

I guess you lot will just have to put up with things like interviews with stars, dress rehearsals where I go over what I'm doing or did to drive a story, or behind the scenes where I show you what I'm working on modelling wise.

I'm going to wrap things up at that, but before I go I like to wish you all a Happy Newyear from all at N&D & as always my thanks for dropping in & if you'd care to leave a comment it would be welcomed.    


As always


  1. I think everybody has struggled over the last year Frank, and questioned what they are doing, and why ? The scenery and models you painted for Necromunda looked excellent, but if you weren't enjoying the campaign then leaving was the right thing to do. Look forward to seeing whichever movies you do this year, and I for one like documentaries on behind the scenes. Hope you have a great 2022

    1. Thanks Dave, your right about the year gone by and maybe you noticed something that I missed or maybe only noticed subconsciously.

      The models & scenery I was more then happy with & there is a lot more models I painted then I put up pictures of, in fact I painted more models last year then I've painted in a long time & if the point of this blog was just to get clicks, we'll as you know GW stuff will always get you that, but thankfully I don't blog for that reason 😊.
      I glad you like documentaries because you're going to be getting some πŸ˜‚

  2. I think it's great to forge your own path and play how you want to play (I mean that in the broadest sense - where "playing" can be guiding a story the way you think it should go, and making scenes and characters and taking photos and all of the things you do with your "movies"). In other words, have fun, however that works for you.
    I don't post often on my blog, and use it more as a record of things I have painted. Others write new posts every day, or at least much more regularly or frequently than I do. I appreciate that, too. But the good thing is we can follow and read when new posts show up.

    I for one will not be doing any videos. It's just not something that appeals to me to do.

    1. Thanks Fitz, I'm lucky in the fact that I have people like yourself & Dave that come on here and talk sense 😊

      Your spot on in that we all have our own way of doing things and as long as we have fun doing it the result justify the means, otherwise what would be the point?

  3. Hi Frank, Happy New Year. When you've figured out why you're gaming, in hwatever context you see it, you're well on the way to having fun. Whether you;re setting scenes for story-telling or commanding large numbers of figures in a re-creation of a some large battle or other, if you've enjoyed the process then stick with it (time space etc allowing).
    I like N&D production because it's so different and the odd dice roll for decision making etc. doesn;t look amiss when explained in an after-the-final-scene paragraph.
    Stick with what you're enjoying and if you enjoy blogging then keep doing it - you'llalways have readers !

  4. Thanks Joe, this blog been a bit different is what it was set up for, I think through out the last year like a lot of other people I might have lost sight of what I really want to do, but hopefully now I'm back 😊

  5. God I hate Google at the moment. Sorry Frank I wrote a long and heart felt comment and Google wouldn't post it because I wasn't signed in.

    I'm sorry I don't have time at the moment to recreate it so I'll just wish you a heartfelt happy new year and hope you find your way forward.
    Take care mate.
    All the best

    1. Thanks John, I feel your pain as it has happened to myself on many occasions 😒
      It always good to hear from you one way or another & I haven't forgotten that I've your question to answer πŸ˜‰

    2. OK Frank I'll try again. I can't remember if I told you I'd done a few stop motion video's but I did these using some 1/12 scale figures. They're short, the longest is about 1 minute but they took 2 or 3 days to make and about 700 photographs to animate that minute. I need some easier way forward to get a box office hit.
      For some time I've been collecting background pictures mainly from Pinterest, with a view to printing a picture and photographing the figure in front of it. So far so good but I decided that 6" figures didn't pose too well and at the same time I discovered I could cast pictures from my tablet/phone onto my TV. I know the rest of the worlds been doing it for years. Anyway I can now get a multitude of big screen pictures as backgrounds, so now I've recently bought some 12" figures to pose in front of the TV background. Think Action Men size and you have it.
      Next I decided to create a story using the backgrounds in the same way you use your shoebox sets but just in a bigger scale. Now comes the rub. I discussed this with my screen writer (me) and he said I can't think of a good story line, that was always generated by playing a game.

      So interestingly you and I are going along a similar path, create a story and fill in the pictures later, you just seem to have a more fertile imagination than I do, maybe it's an age thing.

      So it looks promising as a concept, I've spent a few hours in front of the TV with figures, a camera, tripod, stage, lights and electric cables taking pictures and I'm learning what looks real and what doesn't. I need a story that fit's with the background sets I have and then I'll give it a go.
      The big problem is it takes about 30 min to set up and the same to clear away and I have to do it in the living room because Mrs V won't let me take the TV into my room to play with it :(.

      Anyway I'm looking forward to hearing the secret's of the Nickle and Dime Studio Writing and Development teams deliberations on your last 2 posts and I'll pinch whatever I can from them.
      Stay safe.

    3. Well John I can't tell you how glad I am that you took the time to re do this comment (I'm assuming it's along the same lines as the one Google had for dinner 😊) as I was really hoping that you were still working on the stop motion stuff.

      Right so what can I do to help? Well the first thing I can do is to tell you that when it comes to script writing is I cheat πŸ™„ yep I know shock horror πŸ˜‚ here's how it works in its basics, take a story from a book or a film that you like, put your own spin on it and take it from there, the last one I did was from an rpg and while I changed it a lot I certainly would never lay any claims to it.

      I'll try and do that post that I promise you over the weekend (some of us have to work 😒) and now that I know what your really after I will try to give you some pointers 😊

      In the mean time keep up the good work with the stop motion & all the best.

