Sunday 8 September 2019

HEX Campaign, The Stranger

"Hold your fire" said the stranger in perfect English but with an accent "I mean you no harm"
Tom "Who are you & are you from these parts ?"
Stranger" I'm Roald  Amundsen & from Norway I came here by plane a few years  back I'd guess, I can't be sure for how long I've been here because there's no night or day but it was May 2sd 1930 when I arrived"
Grace"So it was your plane we found ?"
Bill"That couldn't be the case Grace, judging by how overgrown it was, that is"
Roald"Its mine alright, things are different here, don't make the mistake of judging things here from the world above as it won't work out"
Bill" But after 6 years it should have been a lot more overgrown, isn't that right Gregory ?"
Gregory"In the world above us you would be correct Bill, but we can't like Roald said take it that thing work the same way down here"
Roald" 6 years can it really be that long, I would have though it was only about 3 years at the most judging from the growth of the kids in the village"
Grace"Is it the same village that Fraenkel wrote of in his diary ?"
Roald"Yes indeed it is & him & his friends are still talked about & even remembered by some of the elders"
Grace" Tell me has anyone else from the world above come to the village ?
Roald" Not that I know of, the only others from the world above that I know of are the Germans that I've spotted lately at the old ruins."
Tom" Germans, have you been in contact with them ?"
Roald"No, they seem like unfriendly types"
Tom" You've not come across anyone else today by any change have you ? as one of our friends is missing" 
Ronld" No I've seen no one else, but if you come with me to the village I'm sure they would help you look for you friend, it's about a half days trek."
Tom"Tanks & we'll take you up on that, but first we need to rest up as we've had a busy day"

After they all had a meal they talked around the fire for awhile, Roald told them more about his time here, while the group told him of how they came to be here, Roald said he keep watch so they could all get some rest.
6 hours later they broke camp & headed for the village with Roald leading the way, as they neared the village the villager's started to gather around them wondering who it was that Roald had brought back with him.

Day 2 Ultima Thule
To their surprise & delight they found that Bill was there alive & well & after they were introduce to the village elder's Bill told them his story.
Bill" As we came closer to the triceratops I was over come with fear & turned & fled, by the time I returned to my senses I was deep in the jungle, turning around I thought I'd be able to find my way back, but soon realized I was hopelessly lost, that's when I got a lucky break in a strange kind of way,
looking around me I noticed what I thought to be two gigantic birds coming towards me through the jungle,
as fast as I could I head for a big tree & started to climb & I only just made it up high enough to be out of  reach, but as I looked down I was amazed to see that it was not a pair of them but in fact a single one with two heads, after a short time I guess it realized it had just missed dinner & wander off.
When it had gone I climb higher up into the tree to see if I could see the clearing but to no avail but I could see a high plateau in the distance & thought to myself if there are people living around here that's most likely where they be.
So I climb out of the tree & set off towards it climbing a tree every so often to get my bearings & finely found my way here"
Tom" Well its great to see you safe as I think the odds of us finding you out there would have been slim"
Tom then told him about the T-Rex & how they'd returned to the Scorpion only to find it gone so they were stuck here for the time been.
Bill" But if it was gone where did you get all of the stuff you have was it in the plane ?"
Tom" No fearing that such a thing might happen Bill I'd a ranged with the Captain before we left Scotland that any time we where out of the Scorpion that he should leave provisions close by in case he had to take off, I didn't mention that to any of you as I'd didn't want to alarm you guys "

Grace"I'm glad you had such foresight Tom, but whats our plan of action now ? I don't intend to just sit around here until the Scorpion returns, my friends maybe out there somewhere & I'm going to do my level best to find them if they are."
Tom" Pull in on the rains a minute please Grace, this is an expedition not a rescue operation, at this point we don't even know that your friends are here, but what we do know is that the German Gloup is here & that there are other Germans here as well, now what I'd like to do is head for these ruins & see what they are up to."

Seen a look of anger come to Grace's face, Tom"If your friends are here Grace then the chances are their with Gloup & as Gloup has sent a message he'll be hoping that von Barlow found away here & be trying to link up with him, so the best chance of finding your friends at this point might be the Germans, Roald how far is it to these ruins & would you be willing to take us there ?"
Roald" The ruins are less then a days hike from here Tom & I'd be glad to lead the way"
Grace" Sorry Tom I hadn't thought of it like that, its just if there here I want to find them as the not known is so hard"
Tom giving Grace a smile" That's ok Grace, loyalty is a great thing in a person, so that's settled then we'll rest up here for a couple of hours & then head to the ruins"

With Roald who knew the land around here well the party arrived at the ruins without any incidents.

To be continued.

Designers note, I guess this episode was what you might call a bit of a filler one, as we got the party all back together & got them to the ruins for the next episode which will be played out as a game :)

As always my thanks for dropping in & if you'd care to be a movie critic & leave a comment it would be welcomed :)


  1. Frank, there is no shame in posting episodes like this. You kept me entranced from start to finish. I was glad that the team are all back together again and Roald looks like he could be quite an asset to the group. His local knowledge should be invaluable.

    1. Thanks Bryan, just so you know I have no shame :) but joking apart its always hard to know how the audience view these episodes I won't want them thinking they were not getting value for their money ;)

  2. What a great way to set up for the next game Frank, additions to the plot line and a few snipets of answers to give clues but not enough to disengage the audience, CUT TO COMMERCIAL !

    1. Thanks Dave,yep its something I've try from the start of this campaign, letting information out slowly which is why I didn't cover Fraenkel dairy a lot in the earlier episodes.

      Commercials hum, now there's an idea ;)

  3. Great stuff, Frank. Really enjoying your story.

  4. The plot moves on and its looking good for the guys.

    The coconuts have worked well in your shots, they do look good as huts. I was a bit dubious because the 3 dots on a coconut define it, but you've cleverly cut them out of the shot, good thinking.

    Germans next? Things should get serious when they come onto the scene. Mind you a 2 headed bird looking for lunch could be pretty serious.

    1. Thanks John, remember that old saying looks can be deceiving :)

      Yep I was happy with how they looked in shot but your right about the 3 dots mate, I have some coconut hair that I'll get the props team to cover them over with plus do some other work on them.

      Yep I've been looking forward to doing the next episode since I've started the campaign & it brings more stars into the action, mainly the lovely but never to be trusted Helga :)

  5. I'm looking forward to next episode.
    And... yep, now I see that you use thin clear bases

    1. Thanks Joakim, hopefully it will be a good one.

      Thin clear bases, your not meant to see them :)

    2. Sorry :-) But I was looking for them

  6. Filler or not, it was a needed scenario which otherwise would have left a gaping gap in the storyline.
    compliments to the set designer and director, all the shots were great !

    1. Thanks Joe, your spot on in that the storeline would have suffered without it.

      I'll pass on your compliments :)

  7. Brilliant stuff Frank! Love the two headed bird, very Harryhausen-esque :)

    1. Thanks Ivor, I'll tell you a little story about that, I shot that scene about a month ago, & when writing it thought I had in fact use two one headed birds, then when I added the pictures I realized I'd used the two head one, but as the bird was partly covered in the first shot I thought it'd be fun to have it that at first Bill thought there was two birds :)

  8. Hiya Frank, and my humble apologies for not commenting earlier.

    I've got to say I think this was a cracking post, and well up to the production standards of the ongoing series.
    I've only recently read somewhere about the importance of these "vignettes" between "scenes" to maintain continuity, so well done you! :-)

    1. Thanks Greg, This series is more done as RPG, so as you well know in RPG,s you have a lot of in between time if you get my meaning, so episode like this fill in the blanks & help me develop the characters.

      No need to be apologizing as long as you paid at the kiosk I don't mind when you watch :)

